Behind the Title: Broadcast Management Group’s Todd Mason

May 16, 2018 

Broadcast Management Group (BMG) is a video production company that focuses on music, news and entertainment events.

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Broadcast Management Group (BMG) is a video production company that focuses on music, news and entertainment events. We work with networks, event companies and digital media companies on multi-camera productions live to air or live to the web. We handle all of the technical design, engineering and management for each production as well as all the crewing, transmissions and overall logistics.

Additionally, we provide creative and editorial solutions as well as broadcast consulting services. We like to think of ourselves as a one-stop-shop for live production.

What’s your job title?

CEO and Executive in Charge of Production.

Live streaming for Mashable during SXSW was one recent job for BMG.

What does it entail?

As CEO, I’m involved in all of the day-to-day activity for the company as well as long-term strategic planning and client development. During our live productions, I serve as the executive in charge of production, in which I’m responsible for all aspects of the production. My job is to ensure that everything is running smoothly – from a technical, editorial and personnel perspective – and deal with any last-minute changes.

What would surprise people the most about what falls under that title?

Like most CEOs, I’m involved in all facets of the company — business development, accounting, marketing, etc. I think people would be surprised by how much of the hands-on work I participate in.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

It’s hard to explain to people outside of the industry, but there’s an adrenaline rush that you get during a live production. That’s my favorite part of the job. At BMG, we like to say that we’re adrenaline junkies.

What’s your least favorite?

Being on the road constantly is a challenge for me and my family.

What is your favorite time of day?

Early morning before everyone else is in the office and there aren’t any distractions.

If you didn’t have this job, what would you be doing instead?

Growing up I wanted to be a truck driver. I don’t know what it was that drew me to that, but I always told my parents it was something I wanted to do. Luckily, I found television production instead.

How early on did you know this would be your path?

When I was growing up, the church I attended started to televise their weekly church services. I was fascinated by all of the technology and the live production aspect. I was able to negotiate my way into being on the production crew — even though I was younger than the required age limit — and I was immediately hooked.

Can you name some recent projects you have worked on?

In February, Broadcast Management Group produced a live Oscars Watch Party for IMDb. The program consisted of a 30-minute pre-show, 30-minute post show and a three-hour second screen show that ran concurrent to the Oscars broadcast. The show streamed live on Twitter and Twitch and drew 13 million viewers. After that, we produced live programming for Mashable during SXSW in Austin. Our program streamed live on Twitter and featured interviews with actors, celebrities and musicians. Currently, we’re in the middle of two large consulting projects for TD Ameritrade and Verizon and will be producing some additional live programming at San Diego Comic-Con in July.

What is the project that you are most proud of?

About a year ago, we completed a consulting project for the International Center for Journalists. We built out a full production operation in Karachi, Pakistan at a local university. It was designed to train aspiring journalists and newsroom crews and allow them to hone their craft. It was great to be part of such an ambitious project, especially one that has a positive impact on people’s lives and contributes to the broadcast community as a whole.

Name three pieces of technology you can’t live without.

My iPhone (since I’m always on it), my laptop and Google Drive (which I’ve just learned to love).

What social media channels do you follow?

LinkedIn and Facebook mostly.

Do you listen to music while you work?

I do. Mostly whatever comes up in my iTunes playlist.

What do you do to de-stress from it all?

Exercising and keeping up with my landscaping at home.

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