REMI Sports Packaging

Backed by an experienced team and dedicated technical resources, our REMI sports packaging solutions provide additional efficiencies and endless flexibility.

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“We can have no progress without change” are the words of the immortal John Wooden.

Our Team and the Changing World of Sports Production

Broadcast Management Group, at the core of our business culture and philosophy, has been at the forefront of embracing the change in live sports productions. With 23+ years in the business and multiple seasons of live sports productions for some of the top networks, leagues, conferences and teams across the country, BMG has proven that by leading the charge to creatively meet our clients’ needs, we also play a vital part in their success.

We’ve built our own championship team with the right personnel who understand how to leverage resources — whether they be 2, 4, 12 or 24-plus camera shows — by relying on our years of local, national, and international sports production experience. We have an extensive track record in live sports — from producing and directing to management and logistics, graphics design and operation, technical integration, and everything up and down the production line. Collectively, our team has produced every type of live sports coverage from collegiate to the pros, local to Olympic, including football, basketball, baseball, softball, hockey, MMA, soccer, volleyball, tennis and others.

We’re able to deliver this content utilizing our own fully-owned production infrastructure utilizing a REMI workflow, or in a traditional truck-on-site model. Our relationships with nationwide truck and crewing companies allow us to use the latest technology operated by the most experienced crew.

Our Cloud Control Center™ REMI hub serves as the technical backbone for most of our live sports coverage, while our REMI mobile units and transmission packages provide on-site coverage. If you’re looking for an experienced team with the right technical and operational infrastructure for your next live sports event, BMG is your choice.

Our Sports Packaging Approach

Meeting the ever-changing demands of our clients’ production needs has allowed us to refine multiple workflows to meet various budgets. Launching a traditional on-site production is a process fine-tuned for more than 80 years in the U.S. More recently, REMI has been utilized in live sports production, with increased use during and since the pandemic. It provides cost efficiencies, streamlined technical setup, and reduced travel costs. At BMG, we’re comfortable in both models, and have taken the traditional REMI approach steps further. Through our centralized technology with decentralized production staff approach, we’re able to focus our resources on-site and from our Cloud Control Center™, while enabling specific technical and creative positions to be staffed remotely — allowing our clients a broader range of talent to work their shows on any given day.

Our BMG-owned infrastructure consists of our core broadcast operations center in Las Vegas and three connected spoke facilities in New York, Chicago and Washington, DC, to function as our inter-connected hub. Our three production and audio control rooms can serve as master control and host key technical positions, including switching, audio mixing and replay. Our REMI mobile units supply video and audio from site, and if preferred by the client, allow for key above-the-line personnel to also work from site, while the announcers can be local or from home/studio locations . Certain functions, like directing, producing, graphics/scorebug and AD/AP positions can all function remotely with crew anywhere in the world.


Utilize our 3 PCRs in Las Vegas and connected facilities in Chicago, New York and D.C. for the production staff, with our mobile units and crew on-site.


Enhance the REMI model by decentralizing key members of the production staff to work from home, further reducing charges to your bottom line and broadening your talent search.


Embed key technical or above-the-line staff on-site in our BMG mobile units, while combining other positions from our four connected facilities or at-home setups.


Roll traditional production trucks to the venue and fully crew the show on-site. We handle all aspects of managing trucks and crew while providing creative and technical oversight.

Dave Weiler Business Picture e1630001572953

Senior Vice President

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35 year veteran of the industry including 20 plus years with ESPN. Responsible for all aspects of consulting and sports packaging for BMG.

Graham Taylor

Executive Producer

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20+ year production expert across NHL, MLB, NBA, Olympics, World Athletics and more. Responsible for the execution of production and creative elements that exceed client expectations.

Mark Ott

Director of Broadcast Operations

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Technology and sports geek for 30 years including the NFL, Fox Sports and more. Responsible for managing the Cloud Control Center and REMI mobile units.

  • Exec ProducerRemote
  • ProducerRemote
  • DirectorRemote
  • ReplayRemote
  • GraphicsRemote
  • TX EngineerRemote
  • Multiview & Comms
  • Multiview & Comms
  • Multiview & CommsMachine Control
  • Multiview & CommsMachine Control
  • Multiview & CommsMachine Control
  • Multiview & CommsMachine Control
BMG Cloud Control Center
  • Data
  • Comms
  • Program Dirty
  • Program Clean
  • Camera (8) + Audio
  • Video Feeds
remi mobile unit new
REMI Mobile Unit 1 Specs Download
REMI Mobile Unit 2 Specs Download
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