Steven Cotliar

Steven Cotliar Vice President of Global Partnerships

Steven Cotliar has been working at the crossroads of the digital advertising/marketing and entertainment for the past 15 years. Read Bio

Steven Cotliar has been working at the crossroads of the digital advertising/marketing and entertainment for the past 15 years.

Steven started his career working in film development at Robert Zemeckis’ production company, ImageMovers. This is where he was first exposed to marketing. Excited by this side of the business, he went on to work in the new media department at Joe Roth’s, Revolution Studios.

Steven soon decided to make the transition to advertising, working for seven years at digital ad agencies Carat and Moxie Interactive with clients such as Twentieth Century Fox, NFL, Gateway, Discover Card, Jenny Craig, Cartoon Network and Disney managing a variety of digital initiatives.

When the opportunity presented itself to join Livestream, a technology startup and leading platform to stream LIVE video on the web, Steven jumped at the chance. As a Director of Business Development, he forged partnerships with Sundance Film Festival and The Paley Center.  He also helped clients like Tesla Motors, FX Networks, Paramount, Lionsgate, Conde Nast, and Target produce and stream a variety of premiere events.

Steven’s sales experience is being leveraged to drive business development for BMG.

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