In 2020, many organizations began using REMI workflows out of necessity. Despite a global pandemic, there was still a need to produce and distribute new content or messaging. But this content had to be created while dealing with...
01 Mar 2021 | Live ProductionAre REMI Productions Here to Stay?
04 Aug 2020 | REMI ProductionTop 5 Benefits of REMI Production
REMI – short for Remote Integration Model – is a production workflow that allows live content to be captured from a remote location and managed from a central control room. REMI production workflows have been utilized for years,...
22 Jul 2020 | REMI ProductionWhat is REMI Production?
There’s a buzzword making rounds inside and outside the broadcast community. REMI production (also referred to as “remote production,” “virtual production,” or “at-home production.”) It’s a sign of the times. With social distancing requirements still in place, content...
08 Jul 2020 | REMI ProductionLive At Home: A Complete REMI Solution
In the business world, it’s common to hear companies described as ‘disruptors.’ This is a company that’s so innovative, they impact an entire industry. Apple’s iTunes allowed consumers to buy digital versions of songs starting at $.99. While...