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The Atlantic

Progress Summit

Entertainment Services
Client The Atlantic
Location Hollywood, CA
Venue NeueHouse
Year 2022

Services Provided

BMG managed the overall technical execution, live production and transmission services for The Atlantic’s hybrid event, Progress Summit. The program included 11 live panels and 4 breakout sessions.

  • Managed technical execution of a 6-hour hybrid event
  • Managed 1 live remote
  • Provided all onsite video capture and transmission equipment
  • Production Management
  • Encoding to 4 platforms simultaneously
  • Provided live captioning services
  • Provided all Comms
  • Editing
Project Overview

AtlanticLIVE enlisted our live production division to provide and manage the technical execution and support of Progress Summit, a 6-hour hybrid event taking place in Los Angeles at NeueHouse Hollywood. A tremendous amount of orchestration was required to manage a complex event with various stakeholders including The Atlantic, BMG and the NeueHouse event and technical teams.

The program included 11 live panels, one of which included a remote guest and 4 breakout sessions from additional locations onsite at NeueHouse.

Utilizing REMI 2 (our REMI mobile unit) onsite in Hollywood and our REMI hub in Las Vegas, BMG executed Progress Summit using our centralized technology and decentralized staffing workflow. The onsite crew in Hollywood consisted of the Director, Location EIC, Tech Manager, A2, Video Engineer, Camera Ops and Utilities. Managing the show from our REMI hub were the EIC, TD and A1. The remaining crew all performed their roles remotely which included the Graphics Op, Transmissions/Comms Engineer, Encoding Engineer and Production Manager.

The Atlantic Progress Summit Watch Event

 Progress Summit
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