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“Pardon the Interruption”

Live Production
Client ESPN
Location Washington, DC
Venue N/A
Year 2013

Services Provided

BMG was brought in during the series development phase to help brainstorm the show format and develop a technical plan and budget for producing the show.

The show format featured one live remote interview. The program was designed so that both hosts could be in the studio or remote when necessary. The format required the versatility to handle live segments based on breaking news, or to do the show entirely as a live production. The 30-minute daily series was shot using two hard cameras and one jib and anchored from a studio in Washington, D.C.

  • Design and build-out of studio, control room, edit and transmission facilities in Washington, D.C.
  • Management of all technical video production crews
  • Daily production management
  • Procurement of news room space for the creative staff
Project Overview

ESPN contracted BMG’s Todd Mason to help develop the popular sports series, Pardon the Interruption (PTI). Todd was brought in during the series development phase to help brainstorm the show format and develop a technical plan and budget for producing the show.

The show format featured one live remote interview. The program was designed so that both hosts could be in the studio or remote when necessary. The format required the versatility to handle live segments based on breaking news, or to do the show entirely as a live production.

The 30-minute daily series was shot using two hard cameras and one jib and anchored from a studio in Washington, D.C. The program was shot live-to-tape then played live-to-air from DC with graphics and effects added on the live play-out.